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    Unemployment Compensation Seminar: Suitable Work and Relief from Charges

    Date: September 14, 2018, 8:30am – 10:30am
    PA CareerLink®
    Luzerne County Community College
    2 Public Square, Lower Level, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
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    8:15 AM Registration
    Suitable Work and Relief from Charges

    Pending 2.0 SHRM / 2.0 HRCI Business Credit

    The UC Service Center is often contacted about what to do when a person refuses work. This presentation explains the application of Section 402(a) of the PA UC Law. Discussion includes the employer’s responsibilities regarding notification that a job offer has been made to both the claimant and the UC Service Center, the facts used in suitable work determinations, and appeal rights.

    Employers are concerned about controlling their UC costs. One of the ways to control these costs is to file for a relief from charges. This presentation explains relief from charges, which employers are eligible to file for it, how the employers are notified that their account may be charged, how to file for relief from charges, how separation issues affect the employer’s eligibility for relief, and appeal rights.

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