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NEPA SHRM welcomes new member, Deangelo Aboutanos

    May 14, 2023

    NEPA SHRM Welcomes Deangelo Aboutanos 

    Learn more about NEPA SHRM's new member, Deangelo Aboutanos ...

    What are your favorite hobbies?

    Running, reading, biking, and playing the piano.

    Why did you choose a career in Human Resources? 

    The HR industry is at a critical point in its history, facing new challenges from the changing needs and values of the modern American workforce. Our response as HR professionals will have far-reaching implications for society, and in turn, our field's value. No matter where we work as HR professionals, we are being called to respond to a demand for a competitive, working economy. I want to be a part of that response.

    What is your current job / career?

    I am a Human Resources Specialist with the U.S. Army Civilian Human Resources Agency, where I specialize in position classification.

    What is your greatest personal accomplishment?

    I consider my work in federal service to be a significant achievement, as it allows me to fulfill a calling and contribute to a greater mission beyond my individual capacity. Being a civil servant brings me a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction.

    How long have you been a member of NEPA SHRM?

    Approximately 2 weeks now. Fresh off the grill!

    Why did you chose to renew your membership?

    I joined SHRM because it elevates the field of human resources from an administrative function to a strategic business function. In other words, SHRM helped to secure HR a 'seat at the table', and now it will be instrumental in guiding us to maximize our contributions in these key collaborations.